Index of Bureaucracy

Index of Bureaucracy 2024

The Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom is thrilled to bring you the fourth edition of the Index of Bureaucracy. The report, which now covers 19 countries, 16 Latin American and three European, highlights the complexity of processes, levels of corruption, and administrative procedures that stifle innovation and economic development. It offers reliable, objective, and practical information and analysis on the time required to comply with mandatory national bureaucratic procedures, both to open a small business and to keep it going. It offers valuable recommendations for policymakers interested in streamlining those procedures and creating more dynamic and resilient economies.

Index of Bureaucracy 2023

The Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom in partnership with prestigious think tanks from throughout Latin America and Spain reveals findings from the publication of an important study on the impact of administrative bureaucracies on small businesses and micro-enterprises in 17 different countries: The Index of Bureaucracy 2023. The project quantifies the time that small businesses must devote to comply with a complex and growing network of rules, procedures and permits to be allowed to work. The comprehensive study highlights the importance of promoting the efficiency and transparency of public bureaucracies so that those necessary requirements are carried out promptly.

Index of Bureaucracy in Latin America 2022

The Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom and Atlas Network’s Center for Latin America announce the publication of an important study on the impact of administrative bureaucracies on small businesses and micro-enterprises in Latin America: The Index of Bureaucracy in Latin America 2022. The project quantifies the time that small businesses must devote to comply with a complex and growing network of rules, procedures, and permits to be allowed to work.