Isabel Noboa
Entrepreneur, Ecuador
Isabel Noboa de Loor is an accomplished Ecuadorian entrepreneur who has made a significant impact in the business world. She successfully transformed Consorcio Nobis (which includes several industries such as agro-industrial, real estate, agro-export, commercial, mining, port, and tourism) into one of the most important holdings in South America.
Apart from her business achievements, Isabel is passionate about her social commitments. She has founded and presided over prominent institutions like Fundación para la Adopción de Nuestros Niños, Fundación Luis Noboa Naranjo, Fundación Semillas de Amor, and the Fundación Nobis. These institutions promote new social welfare projects, benefitting more than 900,000 low-income people throughout Ecuador. In 2019, she spearheaded the “United for Education” initiative, which collaborates with entrepreneurs, the national government, academia, and civil society to give equal opportunities to Ecuadorians by providing them access to skills, competencies, and values to current face current and future challenges.
Isabel Noboa is a celebrated entrepreneur who has received numerous awards and accolades from renowned institutions both nationally and internationally. She was honored by the National Assembly of Ecuador in 2012 and 2019. In 2013, she received the title of Ibero- American Personality of the Year from the Organization of Ibero-American Journalists and was recognized as an Integral CEAL Entrepreneur by the Latin American Business Council (CEAL).
Isabel’s outstanding contributions to business have earned her the recognition of the most respected businesswoman in Ecuador, according to surveys conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers AC and the Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa. She has also held distinguished positions, including President of INCAE, Ecuador chapter, from 1999 to 2005, member of the Ecuadorian Corporation of Total Quality, and President of the National Competitiveness Council in 2002.
Not only has Isabel made significant contributions nationally, but she has also been recognized internationally for her exceptional entrepreneurial skills. Among many other honors, she was named a Leading Global CEO by the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. Most recently, Isabel received the “José María Roca Medal” from the Latin American Industrial Association in Costa Rica in 2019, recognizing her as the Best Industrialist in Latin America.